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Past Hikes



Winter/Spring 2025 Activities are available!

(April 26th is our last Event of this Season.)

All events are free and open to the public. Pre-registration with the Town of Fountain Hills is required. Scroll through the activities below and click on the course number to register. Sign up soon as most events have a limited number of openings. 


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Sunrise Trailhead to Adero Canyon Trailhead

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Location -

Adero Canyon Trail Head 14800 N Eagle Ridge Dr

Leader - 

Nancy Whitton
Kaye Baumgartner


This is a one-way 5 mile hike with considerable elevation gain from the Sunrise Trailhead to the Adero Canyon Trailhead. We will meet at the Adero Canyon Trailhead and carpool for a shuttle to the Sunrise Trailhead. The hike begins with a steady and strenuous climb to Sunrise Peak. The climb up to the peak is optional. There will be several scenic views to enjoy whether or not you climb to the peak. The hike then connects to the Andrews-Kinsey trail and, with some ups and downs along the way, gradually descends to the Adero Canyon Trailhead. Bring 2 liters of water and snacks. Wear sturdy boots. Hiking poles recommended. No dogs, please.

Birds - Sighting and Identification

Saturday, March 8, 2025


Location -

Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden
11300 N Fountain Hills Blvd

Leader - 

Peter Herstein


During this walk through the Desert Botanical Garden with birder Peter Herstein you will be searching for birds, not only by sight but by sound. November is an excellent time for birding here, with viewing of over 15 different species a distinct possibility. Highlights could include Rock Wren, Gilded Flicker, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-crowned Sparrow and Lincoln's Sparrow. Peter will also demonstrate the use of the ebird, Merlin and birdNET apps. Bring water, a hat, and binoculars if possible. Wear shoes or boots with grippy soles. Hiking poles recommended. Bring a bottle of water and snacks. No dogs, please.

Exploring Phoenix Murals ** CANCELLED **

Saturday, March 8, 2025


Location -

Community Center to Carpool

Leader - 

Cathy Pepperd
Bev Fisher


** Sorry, this event has been cancelled! ** (Updated February 10, 2025)

Who knew that Phoenix has countless murals all for us to explore on a wonderful walking tour! We will carpool to Central Phoenix where Cathy Pepperd and Bev Fisher will lead us along this walk of about 3 miles with a stop for lunch afterwards. Check out these websites for more information: and Bring water and snacks. Wear comfortable sturdy shoes. No dogs, please.

Goldfield's Loop

Thursday, March 13, 2025


Location -

Community Center to Carpool

Leader - 

Pam Cissik
Larry Mills


Pam Cissik and Larry Mills will lead this beautiful 8 mile hike exploring more of the horse trails in the Goldfields. The first half of the hike will be challenging with most of the elevation gain. Some climbs and descents will be steep and slippery. We will then descend into a wash, have snacks or lunch in a grotto, and follow less demanding trails back to the parked cars. We will have about an hour drive to the trailhead. Bring 3 liters of water, snacks and lunch. Wear sturdy boots. Hiking poles recommended. No dogs, please. Please reimburse driver for gas.

Bring Your Kids to Hike Day

Friday, March 14, 2025


Location -

Adero Canyon Trailhead
14800 N Eagle Ridge Dr

Leader - 

Janice Holden
Barb Gierer


Hike with your children ages 5+ on this school holiday to spend time in nature. We will select a trail, such as the Promenade, a slightly rocky but relatively flat old jeep road, or the Overlook Trail; whichever is best suited to the participants (no strollers).

At 10:00am, at the end of the hike, a representative from the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center will be at the trailhead to talk about the work of the sanctuary and share a few animals for children to visit with while enjoying cookies and refreshments. Parents may also bring children directly to the trailhead for refreshments and to visit the animals at 10:00 am. Make sure everyone wears closed-toe shoes, hats and has plenty of water. No dogs, please.

Surviving with Plants in the Sonoran Desert

Saturday, March 15, 2025


Location -

Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden
11300 N Fountain Hills Blvd

Leader - 

Bernie Finkel


Bernie Finkel will lead an interpretive walk through the Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden demonstrating how the Native Americans of the Sonoran Desert used and related to their plants to survive. Wear shoes or boots with grippy soles. Hiking poles recommended. Bring a bottle of water and snacks. No dogs please.

Moonless Stargazing Hike

Monday, March 17, 2025


Location -

Adero Canyon Trailhead
14800 N Eagle Ridge Dr

Leader - 

Vicky Derksen
Janice Holden


The SCFH invites you to join Vicky Derksen on this moonless evening to observe the night skies with less moonlight interference. You might see a planet or two and locate and identify constellations and their stars while Vicky recounts some myths and stories held by ancient cultures. After the hike, the Star Dudes will point their telescopes at deep space objects that can't be seen with the naked eye. Bring preregistered children age 8+, and wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe sturdy shoes. Bring water and hiking poles if needed. A red flashlight or headlamp is recommended to protect everyone's night vision. Be prepared to hike 2 miles on the Promenade Trail, a slightly rocky but relatively flat old jeep road. No dogs, please.

Vicky Derksen is the host of the Night Sky Tourist podcast and serves on the boards of the International Dark Sky Discovery Center and the Fountain Hills Dark Sky Association. You can find her online at

Easy Pace at Sunrise - Andrews Kinsey to McDowell Sonoran Preserve

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Location -

Adero Canyon Trailhead
14800 N Eagle Ridge Dr

Leader - 

Cathy Pepperd


Are you an early bird looking for an early morning hike that isn't too far, too fast, or too hard? Then this series of hikes is for you and perfect to introduce new hikers to the Preserve. Cathy Pepperd will again lead a nearby hike starting at sunrise. This hike will follow the Andrew-Kinsey trail for about 2 miles, for an out and back hike of 3.5 to 4 miles. Bring 2 liters of water and snacks. Wear sturdy boots. Hiking poles recommended. No dogs please.

Wildflowers & the Birds & the Bees & the Butterflies

Saturday, March 22, 2025


Location -

Adero Canyon Trailhead
14800 N Eagle Ridge Dr

Leader - 

Tim Schoenfelder
Jan Jensen


Join us for a fascinating, easy-paced hike with several stops in the Fountain Hills Preserve. Learn to identify the beautiful wildflowers our desert plants put out and to appreciate the pollination ecology, including tactics on the part of the flowers. And, of course, the important role the birds, the bees and the butterflies play in this amazing part of nature. Wear grippy soled shoes and a hat. Bring water and snacks; hiking poles if needed. No dogs, please!

Photograph Wild Horses with your iPhone

Thursday, March 27, 2025


Location -

Community Center to Carpool

Leader - 

Paul Stark


Learn how to capture the beauty of the wild horses using your iPhone. Join Paul Stark and learn to work with light to capture what you see in the foreground and background to get better pictures with your phone. We will travel to a spot where horses may be by the Salt River or the Bush Highway. Bring a fully charged cell phone, water, and wear closed toed shoes and a hat. Parking on Tonto National Forest land requires each car have an America the Beautiful pass or day pass. For info contact www.FS.USDA.GOV. No dogs, please.

Barnhardt Trail to the Waterfall

Friday, March 28, 2025


Location -

Community Center to Carpool

Leader - 

Pam Cissik
Larry Mills


The Barnhardt is often thought of as a gateway to the Mazatzal Wilderness. The 7 mile moderately challenging trail is harder than Dixie Mine, rocky and steadily climbs along the edge of a canyon with a 1500ft elevation gain starting at an elevation of 4100ft. We will see incredible geologic folds on the canyon walls as we hike to a seasonal waterfall. The trail is narrow in spots and a long ways down if you slip. Sturdy boots and hiking poles recommended. Bring lunch and 2-3 liters of water. No dogs please.

First Quarter Moon Stargazing Hike

Thursday, April 3, 2025


Location -

Adero Canyon Trailhead
14800 N Eagle Ridge Dr

Leader - 

Vicky Derksen
Janice Holden


Join Vicky Derksen on this first quarter moon evening to observe the night skies. You might see a planet or two and locate and identify constellations and their stars while Vicky recounts some myths and stories held by ancient cultures. After the hike, the Star Dudes will point their telescopes at deep space objects that can't be seen with the naked eye. Bring preregistered children age 8+, and wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe sturdy shoes. Bring water and hiking poles if needed. A red flashlight or headlamp is recommended to protect everyone's night vision. Be prepared to hike 2 miles on the Promenade Trail, a slightly rocky but relatively flat old jeep road. No dogs, please.

Vicky Derksen is the host of the Night Sky Tourist podcast and serves on the boards of the International Dark Sky Discovery Center and the Fountain Hills Dark Sky Association. You can find her online at

Introduction to the Plants of the Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden

Saturday, April 5, 2025


Location -

Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden
11300 N Fountain Hills Blvd

Leader - 

Bernie Finkel


The Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden should be in full bloom in early April and an excellent time to learn about the plants in the Garden. Bernie Finkel will discuss the strategies that plants have adopted in the harsh environment of the Sonoran Desert. We will look at some of the special properties of these plants and how they were utilized by the early people of the desert. Bring water and wear a hat. Wear shoes or boots with grippy soles. Hiking poles recommended. Bring a bottle of water and snacks. No dogs, please.

Digitally Altered Artistic Photography

Tuesday, April 8, 2025


Location -

Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce
16837 E Palisades Blvd

Leader - 

Jennifer Ramm


Looking to stretch your creative horizons? Join Jennifer Ramm, 1st place winner in this year's FH photography contest for the category of Digitally Altered Artistic Photography, as we explore how to turn your desert landscape photos into stunning works of art, worthy of hanging on your living room walls. We will use the free Prisma app on our iphones, ipads, or android phones to explore tips and techniques in this workshop format class.

Birds in the Early Evening in the Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden

Saturday, April 26, 2025


Location -

Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden
11300 N Fountain Hills Blvd

Leader - 

Peter Herstein


During this walk through the Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden with Birder Peter Herstein, you will be looking for birds before they roost for the evening. The garden in the late afternoon at this time of year has quite a bit of shade. It is an excellent time for a late afternoon walk, with over 15 different species sightings is a distinct possibility. We will be specifically looking and listening for Lesser Nighthawks and Ash throated Flycatchers. We will be identifying birds both by sight and song. Peter will also demonstrate the use of ebird, Merlin and birdNET apps. Wear shoes or boots with grippy soles. Hiking poles recommended. Bring a bottle of water and snacks. No dogs please.

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